Table Tennis Grip Types – A Comprehensive Guide

Table tennis is an exciting sport that requires quick reflexes, agility, and skill. One of the most critical factors that determine the success of a player is the grip they use. A good grip can help players execute their shots with precision and power. In this guide, we’ll explore the different types of table tennis grips, their advantages, and how to use them effectively.

Shakehand Grip

The Shakehand grip is the most popular grip among table tennis players. It’s the most natural grip for beginners to learn and is used by most professional players. The grip involves holding the racket handle as if you’re shaking someone’s hand. The index finger is extended over the backhand side of the racket, while the thumb is placed on the forehand side.

The Shakehand grip is versatile and allows players to execute a variety of shots, including forehand and backhand strokes. It provides good power and control, making it suitable for offensive and defensive play.

Penhold Grip

The Penhold grip is another popular grip used in table tennis. It’s prevalent among Asian players and involves holding the racket handle like a pen. The thumb and index finger are used to grip the handle, while the other fingers are curled up against the back of the racket.

The Penhold grip is suitable for players who prefer a quick and close-to-the-table style of play. It allows for faster forehand shots but can be challenging to use for backhand strokes.

Seemiller Grip

The Seemiller grip is a modified version of the Penhold grip that involves using both sides of the racket. It’s named after American player Danny Seemiller, who popularized the grip in the 1970s. The grip involves holding the racket handle with the thumb and index finger on one side and the other three fingers on the opposite side.

The Seemiller grip provides good power and control, but it can be challenging to learn and execute. It’s suitable for players who want to develop a unique playing style and surprise their opponents.

V- Grip

The V-Grip is a modified version of the Shakehand grip that involves holding the racket handle with the index and middle fingers together, forming a “V” shape. The thumb and other fingers grip the handle as usual.

The V-Grip provides excellent power and control for forehand shots but can be challenging to use for backhand strokes. It’s suitable for players who want to add more power to their forehand shots.

How to Choose the Right Grip

Choosing the right grip depends on your playing style, preferences, and comfort level. It’s essential to experiment with different grips and find the one that works best for you. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a grip:

  • Playing style: Offensive players may prefer the Shakehand grip, while defensive players may prefer the Penhold grip.
  • Comfort: The grip should feel comfortable and natural to hold for extended periods.
  • Strengths and weaknesses: Choose a grip that accentuates your strengths and minimizes your weaknesses.
  • Hand size: Players with smaller hands may find the Penhold grip more comfortable, while players with larger hands may prefer the Shakehand grip.


In conclusion, the table tennis grip is a crucial aspect of the game that can impact your performance. The Shakehand and Penhold grips are the most popular grips used by players, while the Seemiller and V-Grip are suitable for players who want to develop a unique playing style. Choosing the right grip depends on your playing style, preferences, and comfort level. Experiment with different grips and find the one that works best for you.